L&D Director – SE Health

A not-for-profit social enterprise that provides health care services across many areas of the healthsystem, including home and community care, long-term care, acute care and primary care.

  • Set strategy, design, and implementation of digital and blended learning initiatives for SE Health.
  • Provide strategic leadership and direction to Learning Solutions and SE Learning Hub, SE Academyand SE Career College of Health to achieve respective division and program objectives and contractrequirements and ensure program/division financial and performance objectives are met.
  • Work closely with division leaders in HR, Operations, FNIM, SE Global, External Education Services,Managed Services, and the SE Career College to provide advice, develop and implement innovativescalable training programs across the organization to improve overall human capital, organizationalperformance, and employee retention.
  • Plan and implement strategies, solutions and tools that improve the organizations’ ability to developand retain employees, overall performance, and productivity.
  • Hire, develop, lead, motivate, support, and recognize staff for their achievements to ensure a highlyengaged and motivated team.
    Identify trends and developments in the external environment related to education services andrecommend and lead implementation.
  • Ensure successful LMS migration of 60k+ users from D2L Brightspace to Lambda Learn. Ensure nodowntime, reduce risk of data loss and disruption to the learning process. Project outcomes: improvedend-user experience, better reporting, and significant cost reduction.
  • Oversee the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, 3DAnimation etc… in our training programs.
  • Develop and implement the Internal and External Corporate University strategy