Senior Manager L&D – Training Edge

Company involved in training strategies, design, delivery, evaluation and management company for realestate, insurance and other financial service industry clients.

  • Hands-on coaching and management of a team of 6 Learning and Development Specialists /Instructional Designers responsible for all operational learning initiatives within all Operational Lines.
  • Continuous management and coaching process in between; involving inspiration and leadership,identification and communication of opportunities for continuous improvement, as well evaluation ofteam performance and strategies to improve on learning gaps. Conducted needs analysis using theADDIE model.
  • Developed facilitators through pilot programs or train-the-trainer workshops, and by providingcoaching / feedback as necessary.
  • Monitored the performance of facilitators to check that training programs are in line with approvedtraining materials and procedures.
  • Built strategic alliances with key stakeholders, both internal and external to identify points of leverage,enable leadership and management performance interventions, new employee on-boarding andorientation, sales training, needs assessments and development of learning plans, career developmentplans and career exit plans.
  • Provided customer-centric solutions to businesses in terms of performance assessments, trainingrecommendations and design, e-learning and distance education, collaboration in training, andmeasuring training effectiveness.
  • Identified duplication, underutilized and misallocation of resources, and unnecessary delays tominimize cost and maximize revenue while effectively managing staff through organizational change.